CNC Turret Punching VS Laser Punching

October 27, 2021

CNC Turret Punching vs Laser Punching

In the manufacturing industry, it's common to have multiple options for punching holes and shaping metal pieces. Two popular technologies are CNC turret punching and laser punching. In this post, we will provide a factual comparison between the two techniques, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each. We will try to avoid getting too punchy with our comparisons, but we will sprinkle in some humor along the way.

What is CNC Turret Punching?

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Turret Punching is a technology that uses a machine equipped with a punch-and-die tool to punch holes and shapes into a material. The machine's punching operation is computer-controlled, making it automated and accurate. This punching technology is great for high-speed production and large-scale manufacturing.

What is Laser Punching?

Laser punching, on the other hand, is similar to CNC turret punching, but instead of using a punch-and-die tool, it uses a laser beam to create holes and shapes. The laser technology offers flexibility as the programming can easily be changed to accommodate different hole and shape requirements. Laser punching is best suited for low-to-medium-run production.

Cost Comparison

One significant factor to consider when choosing between CNC turret punching and laser punching is the cost involved. In general, CNC turret punching is more expensive than laser punching. The cost of a CNC turret punching machine is high, and so is its maintenance cost. Laser punching machines, on the other hand, have a lower initial cost and lower maintenance costs. However, when it comes to high-volume production, CNC turret punching is more cost-effective in the long run.

Accuracy and Precision

Both CNC turret punching and laser punching offer excellent levels of accuracy and precision. CNC turret punching machines use a mechanical punching process that produces clean, sharp edges. Meanwhile, laser punching's non-contact process ensures that there is no deformation or distortion to the material being punched. In cases where the punched holes or shapes require extreme precision, laser punching delivers a higher level of accuracy.

Material Compatibility

CNC turret punching and laser punching can both be used for a wide range of materials, including aluminum, steel, and brass. However, CNC turret punching is not recommended for thicker materials, as its mechanical punching process is not powerful enough to handle the thickness, unlike laser punching, which is capable of cutting through thicker materials.


Both CNC turret punching and laser punching are valuable techniques that offer advantages and disadvantages based on specific manufacturing needs. Ultimately, the choice between the two technologies will depend on the specific application requirements, volume of production, and, of course, the budget.

We hope this post has punched some valuable insight into the world of CNC turret punching and laser punching. Remember to keep your manufacturing processes sharp, whether you're punching holes or shaping metal, and choose the technology that aligns with your business goals and manufacturing requirements.


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